You attempted to access a category that has expired and is no longer available.

For more information about the School and Facilities, please see:

For more information about specific fellowships and programs, please visit:

If you have questions about these forms, email

Please use this form if you are applying for Associate Membership and are NOT applying for a fellowship or Regular Membership. 

If you need a reference about how to fill out the form, you may consult this webpage:

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 

If you are applying for a fellowship or Regular Membership, you can find more information here: and here:

Use this form to submit an application to the ASCSA if you are applying for a Fulbright Grant to affiliate with the ASCSA. You must follow all rules and deadlines as set out by the Fulbright Commission, including any internal deadlines set by your institution (if applicable). Please note that you must submit your information directly to the Fulbright to be considered for the award. Once you have applied to the Fulbright, via their online application portal, you must also submit the same information directly to the ASCSA using this form. 

DEADLINE: October 8, 2024 

DEADLINE: January 15, 2025

(If applying for a Fulbright Grant, there is a separate application process:

Use this form to apply for any (or all) summer programs: 


Summer Session (6 week program, June 16 to July 30, 2025) 

Summer Seminar, People and Places of Ancient Philosophy (June 9 to June 27, 2025)

Summer Seminar, Settlers and Traders: Corinth and Its Apoikiai in W. Greece and S. Albania (July 3 to July 21, 2025)

Deadline for application(s) and recommendations: January 6, 2025
For more information about the programs, click here.

Several fellowships for the full academic year at the School are available to students to pursue independent research in Greece, usually for their Ph.D. dissertation. Applications for Advanced Fellowships are adjudicated based on the need to be in Greece and the feasibility of the proposed project. Current and past Regular and Student Associate Members who plan to pursue research in Greece are encouraged to apply for the fellowships.

For more details about the fellowship, link here.

Application is due February 15, 2025.

DEADLINE: December 9, 2024
Use this form only to apply as a volunteer for the Athenian Agora Excavations.


NB: If you were an Agora Excavation season participant in 2023 or after 2023, please use this form to submit an application. If you were an Agora Excavation season participant in 2022 or before 2022  you will need to use this current form, "Athenian Agora Excavation Volunteer Application," to reapply.

Note on Recommendations: Recommendations are due on the same date as the deadline for application. Upon submission of the online application, recommenders will be sent an automated email with instructions about how to submit their letters of recommendation. Or, applicants may choose to send the request at any time by clicking the "Send Request Now" button on the online application form. Recommenders will be asked to upload their letters via the online application system, Submittable. It is also acceptable for recommenders to submit letters directly to this email address: It is preferable for recommenders to submit their letters following the instructions in the automated email. All recommendations are confidential and will not be shared with an applicant.  

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 

DEADLINE: December 9, 2024

Use this form only if you were an Agora Excavation season participant in 2023 or after 2023. 

If you were a participant in 2022 or before 2022, you will need to apply as a new applicant using this form.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 

Use this form to apply for a supervisor position during the Corinth Excavations field season. 

Review of applications will begin January 15, 2025, and will continue until the positions are filled.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 

Use this form to apply for the Harry Bikakis Fellowship. 

This fellowship is for graduate students at U.S. or Canadian institutions, or Greek graduate students, whose research subject is ancient Greek law and who need to work at ASCSA libraries; or Greek graduate students working on excavations conducted by or affiliated with the ASCSA.

For more information about the fellowship, link here

Application is due March 15, 2025

The Gennadius Library offers the Cotsen Traveling Fellowship, a short-term grant awarded each year to Ph.D. holders or graduate students pursuing research topics that require the use of the collections of the Gennadius Library.

The fellowship is for senior scholars (Ph.D. holders) and graduate students of any nationality. 

For more details about the fellowship, link here.

Application is due January 15, 2025.

Please use this form to submit your application for the Elizabeth A. Whitehead Distinguished Scholar at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens for 2024-2025.

DEADLINE: October 31, 2024

The fellowship is for U.S. or Israeli citizens who are either Ph.D. candidates writing their dissertations in archaeology, or early-career scholars (Ph.D. earned within the last five years) completing a project that requires a lengthy residence in Greece. Applicants can propose to use any of the School’s research facilities, as long as their research topic has an archaeological component. 

For more details about the fellowship, link here.

Application is due January 15, 2025.

The Yatrakis Fellowship supports research on topics that require use of the Gennadius Library. Opened in 1926 with the 26,000-volume collection of diplomat and bibliophile Joannes Gennadius, the Gennadius Library houses today 145,000 titles of rare books and bindings, research materials, manuscripts, archives, and works of art that illuminate Hellenism, Greece, and neighboring civilizations from antiquity to modern times. Rare maps of the Mediterranean, early editions of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey and a laurel wreath belonging to Lord Byron are just some of the unique items. Holdings of 90,000 research titles in open stacks complement the rare books and other collections to create a comprehensive resource for the history of Greece through the ages.

Eligibility: Ph.D. students and Ph.D. holders who have earned the degree within the last 5 years. Open to all nationalities. For research in the Gennadius Library for the full academic year, September 2025 through May 2026.

DEADLINE: January 15, 2025


The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the sixth year of a six-year program of fellowships funded by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation. The Samuel H. Kress Foundation devotes its resources to advancing the history, conservation, and enjoyment of the vast heritage of European art, architecture, and archaeology from antiquity to the early 19th century

For more details about the fellowship, link here.

Application is due January 15, 2025.

The Constantine and George Macricostas Fellowship at the Gennadius Library supports research on Orthodox Christian Studies with an emphasis on history, religious traditions, and geographical, geopolitical, and cultural reach. Of particular interest is the significant role that the institution of the church played in the broader history of Hellenism. Opened in 1926 with the 26,000-volume collection of diplomat and bibliophile Joannes Gennadius, the Gennadius Library now houses 145,000 titles of rare books and bindings, research materials, manuscripts, archives, and works of art that illuminate Hellenism, Greece, and neighboring civilizations from antiquity to modern times. The collection includes rare and unique items on the intellectual, social, cultural, political and institutional history of the Orthodox Church through the centuries. Holdings of 90,000 research titles in open stacks complement the rare books and other collections to create a comprehensive resource for the history of Greece across the ages. The fellowship is for research in the Gennadius Library for the coming full academic year.

Eligibility: Ph.D. students and PhD holders who have earned the degree within the last 5 years with research projects focusing on the historical, political, and sociological dimensions of Eastern Orthodox religion from Late Antiquity to the present are eligible. The fields of study may include, but are not limited to religious studies, anthropology, history, philosophy, politics, law, and sociology. Open to all nationalities.


DEADLINE: January 15, 2025


The Gennadius Library offers the M. Alison Frantz Fellowship in Post-Classical Studies, in honor of archaeologist, Byzantinist, and photographer M. Alison Frantz (1903–1995), a scholar of the post-classical Athenian Agora whose photographs of antiquities appear widely in books on Greek culture.

Eligibility: Ph.D. students at a U.S. or Canadian institution, or Ph.D. holders who earned their degree within the last 5 yearsfrom a U.S. or Canadian institution, regardless of citizenship. Candidates focused on Late Antique through Modern Greek Studies, including but not limited to the Byzantine, Frankish, Post-Byzantine, and Ottoman periods should demonstrate their need to work in the Gennadius Library.


DEADLINE: January 15, 2025


Complete this online form to apply for an ASCSA National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) fellowship. 

Eligibility: Postdoctoral scholars and professionals in all fields relevant to the mission of the ASCSA who are U.S. citizens or foreign nationals residing in the U.S. Foreign nationals must have lived in the U.S. for at least the three years immediately preceding the application deadline. Applicants must already hold their Ph.D. or have completed all requirements, except for the actual conferral of the degree, by the application deadline.

DEADLINE: October 31, 2024

The Schwarz Fellowship for Research on Music supports research that focuses on the cultural history of music in the Mediterranean world broadly defined. The fellowship aims to promote the study of interactions among Western European, Byzantine, Islamic and Jewish cultures from the medieval to the modern period.

Eligibility: Career musicians or researchers, Ph.D. candidates, or Ph.D. holders who received their degree within the last 5 years. Open to all nationalities. For research in the Gennadius Library for the full academic year.

DEADLINE: January 15, 2025


The Schwarz Fellowship for Research on Urban Architecture supports innovative and cross-disciplinary research on architecture, urban planning, and the history of the built environment in Greece from 1821 to the present.

Eligibility: Practicing architects, researchers who are currently Ph.D. candidates, or Ph.D. holders who have received their degree within the last five years. Open to all nationalities. For research in the Gennadius Library for the full academic year.

DEADLINE: January 15, 2025


This fellowship honors Voislav Sanev (1938-2007), who is remembered not only for his numerous archaeological excavations and publications but also for his willingness to help younger archaeologists in preparation of scholarly articles and for his ability to persuade diverse colleagues to co-operate for a common goal.  


Eligibility: Citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia. Archaeologists who are either graduate students or PhD holders.



W.D.E. Coulson and Toni M. Cross Aegean Exchange Program is offered for Greek Ph.D. students and scholars in any field of the humanities and social sciences, from prehistoric to modern times, to conduct research in Turkey, under the auspices of the American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) in Ankara and/or Istanbul during the academic year. The purpose of these fellowships is to provide an opportunity for Greek scholars to meet with Turkish colleagues and to pursue research in museums, archives, and library collections and at the sites and monuments of Turkey. Fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs through the Council of American Overseas Research Centers. 

The fellowship is for Greek nationals, including staff of the Ministry of Culture, doctoral candidates/graduate students, Ph.D. holders, and faculty members of Greek universities and research institutes.

For more information about the fellowship, link here.

Application is due March 15, 2025.

William Sanders Scarborough (1852–1926), the son of an enslaved woman and a freedman, was a pathbreaking African American Classical scholar and public intellectual. Scarborough’s scholarship included philological works on Greek and Roman authors, as well as studies of African languages and African American folklore. His First Lessons in Greek (1881) was the first foreign language textbook by an African American author. He taught at Ohio’s Wilberforce University and Payne Theological Seminary, serving as Wilberforce’s president from 1908–1920. At least twice in his life (1886 and 1896), Scarborough hoped to attend the American School, with the encouragement of the School’s Managing Committee. Lack of funding, coupled with his many professional responsibilities, kept Scarborough from realizing his dream of going to Greece. 

DEADLINE: January 15, 2025


Please use this form only if you are applying for a Wiener Laboratory fellowship. 



M. H. Wiener Annual Fellowship: January 15, 2025

Pre-Doctoral Fellowship for 2025-2027: January 15, 2025


Future application deadlines: 

Post-Doctoral Fellowship for 2026-2029: January 15, 2026 (application form will open in fall 2025)

Post-Doctoral Fellowship for 2027-2030: January 15, 2027 (application form will open in fall 2026)


For details about the applications see:


Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 


Application for Internship in Archaeological Conservation at the Athenian Agora Excavations.

DEADLINE: December 16, 2024

The Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens announces the summer session focused on the study of Medieval Greek, from June 30 to July 30, 2025.

Founded in 1881, the American School is the most significant resource in Greece for American scholars in the fields of ancient and post-classical studies. One of the two major research libraries of the School, the Gennadius Library, which houses over 146,000 volumes and archives, is devoted to post-classical Hellenic civilization.


Deadline: January 31, 2025

Complete this form if you are applying to lead the Summer Session (traditional 6-week program) or a Summer Seminar during summer 2026.  


Note on Recommendations: Recommendations are due on the same date as the deadline for application. Once an online application is submitted, recommenders will be sent an automated email with instructions about how to submit their letters of recommendation. Or, you may send the request at any time by clicking the "Send Request Now" button. Recommenders will be asked to upload their letters via the online application system, Submittable. It is also acceptable for recommenders to submit letters directly to this email address: It is preferable for recommenders to submit their letters following the instructions in the automated email. All recommendations are confidential and will not be shared with an applicant. 

An intensive week-long course in Archaeological Micromorphology is offered by the Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science. Dr. Panagiotis (Takis) Karkanas, Director of the Wiener Laboratory, and Dr. Paul Goldberg, Senior Visiting Professor, Institut für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie (INA), University of Tübingen, will lead the course, which will primarily focus on deciphering site formation processes and micro-stratigraphy. Students will receive instruction in optical mineralogy, description, and interpretation of micromorphological thin sections based on analysis of soil fabrics and sedimentary microstructures.

DEADLINE: January 15, 2025

The Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science (ASCSA) in collaboration with the ASCSA Excavations at the Athenian Agora offers a full week-long Field School on Site Formation, Stratigraphy, and Geoarchaeology in the Athenian Agora. 

DEADLINE: January 15, 2025

The Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science is offering an intensive week-long course in bioarchaeology to introduce participants to the analysis of human skeletal remains from archaeological contexts. Dr. Ioanna Moutafi (Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie und Provinzialrömische Archäologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), an expert in bioarchaeology and Aegean prehistory, will lead the course with assistance from Dr. Dimitris Michailidis, an anthropologist/paleontologist and Manager of the Wiener Laboratory. Human bones are a unique strand of archaeological evidence, as they provide a vast array of both biological and cultural information about life and death in the past. This course will offer both the theoretical and basic technical skills for the analysis and interpretation of human remains, through lectures, seminars and interactive hands-on practical sessions. The objective is to familiarize participants with all aspects of the human skeleton and the different insights they can offer us into the past.

DEADLINE: January 15, 2025

Please use this form only to apply for the Paul Rehak Memorial Traveling Fellowship. The fellowship is for Regular and Student Associate Members currently in attendance at the School for the entire academic year (2024-2025).

DEADLINE: March 1, 2025

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 

Use this form if you are requesting a "Letter of Affiliation" or "Affiliation Letter." For example, an application for the Fulbright requires applicants to submit an "Affiliation Letter" with their online application and you may request this letter via this online form. 

If approved for an Affiliation Letter, the document will be emailed to the applicant. 

Deadline: Rolling. 

NOTE: You must apply for a letter of affiliation at least two weeks prior to your institute’s deadline. The committee needs at least two weeks turnaround time for all applications. If you apply less than two weeks before your institute’s deadline, we cannot guarantee you will receive notice from the committee by your deadline.

If you are applying for a US Student Fulbright award, simultaneous application to both the Fulbright Program and the ASCSA is required. Candidates must submit an ASCSA application for Membership (not just this request for affiliation) by the due date for the Fulbright application here. More information can be found on our website.  

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 

Please use this form only if you are a current member of the School and wish to extend the dates of your membership. If you are not currently a member or are applying for a period of membership not contiguous with your current appointment, please use the Associate membership application form at

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 

For information about the School's programs and membership, please see Membership at the School requires the payment of School fees, on which please see

A full-time position beginning in mid-July, 2025 for three years, ending mid-August 2028. These dates allow for any necessary overlap with the incumbent Assistant Director and, at the end of the term, for overlap with the incoming Assistant Director. Specific dates will be determined at the time of appointment.

Recommendations are due on the same date as the deadline for applications. Upon submission of the online application, recommenders will be sent an automated email with instructions about how to submit their letters of recommendation. Or, applicants may choose to send the request at any time by clicking the "Send Request Now" button on the online application form. Recommenders will be asked to upload their letters via the online application system, Submittable. It is also acceptable for recommenders to submit letters directly to this email address: It is preferable for recommenders to submit their letters following the instructions in the automated email. All recommendations are confidential and will not be shared with an applicant.


Application is due November 11, 2024. 

American School of Classical Studies at Athens