W.D.E. Coulson & Toni M. Cross Aegean Exchange Program Fellowship

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W.D.E. Coulson and Toni M. Cross Aegean Exchange Program is offered for Greek Ph.D. students and scholars in any field of the humanities and social sciences, from prehistoric to modern times, to conduct research in Turkey, under the auspices of the American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) in Ankara and/or Istanbul during the academic year. The purpose of these fellowships is to provide an opportunity for Greek scholars to meet with Turkish colleagues and to pursue research in museums, archives, and library collections and at the sites and monuments of Turkey. Fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs through the Council of American Overseas Research Centers. 

The fellowship is for Greek nationals, including staff of the Ministry of Culture, doctoral candidates/graduate students, Ph.D. holders, and faculty members of Greek universities and research institutes.

For more information about the fellowship, link here.

Application is due March 15, 2025.

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